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Alworth Scholarships application period begins today

“The Alworth Memorial Fund has always been committed to supporting northern Minnesota students dedicated to making a difference in the mathematics, science, engineering and medical fields. But many of them don’t necessarily know what direction to take while still in high school.” - Patty Salo Downs.

Since 1949, the Marshall H. and Nellie Alworth Memorial Fund had awarded $57.8 million in scholarships solely to high school students entering four-year educational programs. Then last year, the Alworth Fund broadened its scholarship criteria to also include northern Minnesota students currently enrolled at designated two-year community colleges who plan to complete their STEM-related education at a four-year institution.

Called the Alworth College Transfer Pathway Scholarship, the program proved so popular in 2024 that the organization is again encouraging qualifying community college students to apply for a $12,000 scholarship – $6,000 to use in each of their final two years of schooling at a four-year university.

The application form is at The application period runs from Feb. 1 to March 15.

“The path to graduation has changed over the years, with many excellent students beginning their education at a two-year community college before getting their degree elsewhere. The Alworth Memorial Fund is pleased to support that reality by offering scholarships to those students as well,” said Alworth Board President Marieta Johnson.

Johnson said the organization remains committed to its STEM focus. Students must still pursue bachelor’s degrees in the mathematics, science, engineering or medical fields, and must have graduated from high school (including home school) in the northern Minnesota counties of Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Lake, Itasca, Koochiching or St Louis.

The College Transfer Pathway Scholarship is available to students currently enrolled at Central Lakes College (Brainerd), Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College (Cloquet), Lake Superior College (Duluth), Minnesota North College (comprised of campuses in Ely, Eveleth, Hibbing, Grand Rapids, International Falls and Virginia) and Northwest Technical College (Bemidji).

“The Alworth Memorial Fund has always been committed to supporting northern Minnesota students dedicated to making a difference in the mathematics, science, engineering and medical fields. But many of them don’t necessarily know what direction to take while still in high school,” said Alworth Executive Director Patty Salo Downs. “That’s why we’re so happy to continue our College Transfer Pathway Scholarship. We believe it will open new doors for students who choose to start their educational journey at community colleges.”
