The Marshal H. and Nellie Alworth Memorial Scholarship Fund opens its annual scholarship application period on Wednesday, launching the Foundation’s 75th Anniversary year by increasing its scholarship awards to $24,000. (The previous amount had been $20,000.)
Applications are due by Jan. 15, 2024.

“For 75 years, the Alworth Scholarship Fund has supported the region’s best and brightest students as they explore their passion for science, mathematics, engineering and medical fields, with the goal of making the world a better place,” said Alworth Executive Director Patty Salo Downs. “We awarded our first scholarships in 1949, and now we’re looking forward to many northern Minnesota young people qualifying for our 75th awards in 2024.”

Salo Downs said students selected for Alworth scholarship, which will be announced in April 2024, will receive $6,000 per school year for a maximum of $24,000. To be considered, current high school seniors (including those who are homeschooled) must have an interest in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in studies related to mathematics, science, engineering and medical fields. Applicants must also reside in one of these northern Minnesota counties: Aitkin, Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Cook, Crow Wing, Lake, Itasca, Koochiching and St Louis.
Application forms and full eligibility criteria, including the types of majors for which Alworth funds are provided, may be found at

“Our region has many exceptional young people who are perfect candidates to receive the Alworth Scholarships,” said Salo Downs. “We’re here to make the application process simple to encourage widespread applications. Visit our website to watch videos that explain the application process and tips for applying, plus advice from past recipients.”

Salo Downs invites recipients over the past 75 years to email or mail her a note about how their Alworth Scholarship helped enhance their lives and perhaps even made the world a better place. “There’s no better time than our 75th anniversary to hear and share stories from Alworth alumni, no matter what decade they were in school,” said Salo Downs. “If you have a story, even if it’s just a brief comment, we’d love to hear it. Please email me at”
Over the past 74 years, the Alworth Memorial Fund has granted a total of $55 million in scholarships to more than 5,400 students in Northeastern Minnesota. As of 2023, there are over 260 active participants in the Alworth Scholarship program pursuing their degrees in colleges and universities across the U.S. and abroad.
Looking to the future, Salo Downs added, “Our mission is to continue the Alworth legacy for another 75 years.”

MnDOT announces changes to Twin Ports Interchange project schedule
The Garfield Avenue/Interstate 535 interchange portion of the Twin Ports Interchange project will not be completed this fall as planned due to findings of historical significance in the project area. The interchange will stay in its current configuration throughout the winter, and Blatnik Bridge is not closing this week as previously announced.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is working closely with project partners and will provide an updated schedule for the project as soon as it becomes available.

MnDOT was able to accelerate work on the I-35 corridor this fall, including shoulder grading, paving, wall painting and pouring of a barrier wall, that was scheduled to be completed in spring 2024. I-35 is scheduled to open to four lanes later this week, dependent on weather. While the majority of work affecting traffic on I-35 will be completed in fall 2023, the traveling public should anticipate some minor lane closures next spring.
MnDOT continues to evaluate the schedule for Highway 53, with the goal of completing the bridges from Piedmont Avenue to 21st Avenue West in Lincoln Park by fall 2024. The schedule for the completion of Highway 53 connections to I-535 and I-35 will be determined as soon as possible.
MnDOT encourages drivers to use the signed detour routes of Bong Bridge instead of Garfield Avenue and Mesaba Avenue for Highway 53.

Jeff Frey’s headshot business transitions to new ownership

Jeff Frey Photography’s commercial portrait (headshot) business will become The Studio as it transitions to new ownership beginning Wednesday. After more than 40 years, Frey is stepping away from the headshot portion of his business, turning over the reins to The Studio, a subsidiary of Swim Creative, a local marketing firm. Going forward, clients can expect the same level of studio excellence that they’ve come to expect from Jeff Frey Photography.

“We started the conversation with Jeff during Covid as we knew it to be a sustainable service,” said Patrice Bradley, Swim Creative's CEO. “Initially we will be focusing on headshots only, but will grow the business in 2024 to include product photography for online retail. That will pair perfectly with our interactive department where our team specializes in building e-commerce websites.”

Frey and Bradley agree that this transition is taking place at the right time and will be an excellent fit for Swim who has been training for many months with Frey. “This is a special opportunity to turn over the business,” said Frey. “The perfect way to ensure there won’t be any issues transferring the clientele that I have built over the years.”

Frey said he is excited to put more time into endeavors such as training for multi-day bicycle rides and traveling, as well as spending more time with his friends and family. Note: You can find The Studio at its new location: 310 E Superior Street, Suite 130 in downtown Duluth or online at To schedule a headshot, email: or call 218.393.9320.

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