2023 Duluth Elections, Down the Stretch

2023 Duluth Elections, Down the Stretch
Roger Reinert Facebook page.

Another Facebook post by Duluth mayoral candidate Roger Reinert – "Snow, Snow, Snow! It's a cloudy, rainy, cold fall day. The kind of day that makes us feel like winter is not that far away. And the reality is - it's not. Today, there is plowable snow in the Dakota's, and measurable snow in Northwestern Minnesota.Yesterday, most of us received the latest Snow Emergency brochure from the City in preparation for this winter. The exact same brochure we received last year.

But I have to ask, why? Why are we paying to print and mail these, and why did we pay to put Snow Emergency signs up all over Duluth? If we weren't going to use a snow emergency last winter – the snowiest winter on record for Duluth – when will we? This IS a tool I intend to use as Mayor. It's a classic Expect More - Do Better in relation to core City services. It's also about engaging our residents as partners in doing better.

When we move our vehicles, the plows are able to go from curb to curb more effectively and more efficiently. That improves public safety, and allows those in our community who can't stay home to get out and about during the storm - fire, police, nurses. As well as convenience store workers, grocery store workers, and our own City employees.

We'll also roll out a City of Duluth app asap, and get gps in our plows so you know what's happening, when it's happening, and what it means for you as Duluthians. #winteriscoming #expectmoredobetter #rogerforduluth"

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