Boyle to seek another term on county board
St. Louis County Commissioner Patrick Boyle announced his campaign for re-election to the St. Louis County Board, 2nd District.
“It has been an honor to represent the citizens of eastern Duluth for the past 10 years on the St. Louis County board with the last year as chair," Boyle said in a press release. "I will be asking again for their vote this fall."
Boyle's campaign will focus on maintaining a fiscally strong budget, investing in county infrastructure and advocating for increased resources for those dealing with mental illness, struggling with addiction and homelessness.
“Over the 14-plus years of serving the community in public office, I have learned how to be a strong voice for our region and build relationships," said Boyle. "In a time of deep divisions in our country, I continue to work with others in collaboration to accomplish common goals. These relationships have helped me formulate policies which are efficient and helpful to our community.”
Boyle on key St. Louis County issues:
“Since voting for the dedicated half-cent sales tax in 2015, we will have invested close to $200 million on roads, bridges, safety improvement, and accessibility for trails in St. Louis County.”
Mental health
“It has been a pleasure to work with the Clarity Project over the past eight years. Working with local leaders, we have repaired gaps in services for those dealing with mental health illnesses. Most recently we have invested over $2 million for a late spring opening of a new walk-in Urgent Behavioral Health Center in Duluth, which will be the first in the state.”
“Since the pandemic, we have invested over $6 million county wide for housing units which will specifically serve several groups including the elderly, veterans, mental illness, and those fleeing domestic violence.”
Boyle lives in the Congdon neighborhood of Duluth with his wife, Jennifer, and daughters, Mary and Clare.