City of Duluth provides updated traffic impacts for Third Street reconditioning project

City of Duluth provides updated traffic impacts for Third Street reconditioning project

By Kelli Latuska

Beginning Wednesday, May 29, additional traffic impacts will occur due to the ongoing Third Street reconditioning project. The City of Duluth will close all avenues between Third Street and Fourth Street from 12th Avenue E to Mesaba Avenue except for Fourth Avenue W, Lake Avenue, Sixth Avenue E, and Tenth Avenue E. These closures are necessary due to the drop-offs caused by the milling of existing asphalt, which will remain as crews repair the underlying concrete pavement before repaving.

The right lane of Third Street will also remain closed from 12th Avenue E to Mesaba Avenue to allow for work on the upper side of the road and to ensure the safety of workers and motorists.

Key Traffic Impact Details

Closure Areas: All avenues, except for Fourth Avenue W, Lake Avenue, Sixth Avenue E, and Tenth Avenue E, between 12th Avenue E and Mesaba Avenue will be closed above Third Street. The right lane of Third Street between 12th Avenue E and Mesaba Avenue will remain closed.

Duration: The closures will remain in effect until the end of June. However, timelines are subject to change based on weather conditions and other unforeseen circumstances.

Detour Routes: No detour routes will be signed; the City urges drivers to obey posted closures and exercise caution when navigating through the area. Closures are outlined in the included map.

Construction Schedule: The project is progressing as scheduled, with work expected to begin on the left lane of Third Street by early July. Construction completion is anticipated for the end of September. The City appreciates the continued cooperation of residents and commuters during this project phase.

The City of Duluth recognizes the inconvenience that construction projects may cause and appreciates the patience and cooperation of residents and commuters during this period. These efforts are essential to ensure the long-term reliability and safety of the City's transportation infrastructure.

For further information on Engineering Division projects, please visit

-- City of Duluth press release

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