By Kelli Latuska
Due to the spring thaw cycle, City of Duluth Parks and Recreation division has temporarily closed all natural surface trails until further notice.
Examples of natural surface trails include the Duluth Traverse, Superior Hiking Trail, and other dirt trail systems located within parks. The wet soil conditions make natural surface trails vulnerable to significant damage if walked or ridden on at this time. The City anticipates reopening the trails once surface conditions improve.
All City of Duluth cross-country ski trails will remain open for skiing as long as snow covers the trails. Hiking on ski trails is not permitted while snow is on the ground.
Paved and gravel surface trails are unaffected by the seasonal closure and remain open for use. These trails include:
. Willard Munger State Trail
. Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail
. Duluth Winnipeg and Pacific Railway (DWP) Trail
. Cross-City Trail from Bayfront Park to Irving Park
. Duluth Lakewalk
. Old Hartley Road
. Amity Creek Trail