City of Duluth to host Sales Tax Street Improvement Projects public informational meetings

City of Duluth to host Sales Tax Street Improvement Projects public informational meetings
A complete reconstruction of Maple Grove Road in Piedmont Heights is currently underway. Howie /

The City of Duluth will host two informational sessions on the 2024 Sales Tax Street Improvement Projects on Thursday – a virtual meeting option and an in-person meeting option. The meetings are scheduled for:

Virtual public informational session
Virtual Meeting Link, noon to 1 pm

In-person public informational session
Downtown Duluth Public Library, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Proposed projects will include street resurfacing (either via reclamation, mill and overlay, or overlay). In addition to the street work, there may be some stormwater infrastructure repairs as well as ADA upgrades, mostly at pedestrian ramps at intersections.

Some residential and business driveways will require concrete work. Notice will be given to individual residents when access will be limited by the contractor. Access limitations typically last about one week. The projects are not anticipated to affect mail delivery or garbage pickup schedules. On-street parking may be limited during construction and signs will be posted.

The City of Duluth’s 1/2 per cent streets sales tax will fund these projects and there will be no assessments for the projects to property owners.

The list of 2024 Sales Tax Street Improvement Projects is here.

If you would like more information about when your street is scheduled for improvement, please visit the City of Duluth Engineering website.

Duluth Parks and Recreation will offer on-site activities for youth ages 3+ for parents and guardians attending the session. Parents must register their child in advance, as space is limited. Parents can register children for youth programming for the session by calling the Parks and Recreation office at (218) 730-4300 or by emailing with the child’s name and age.

For more information on the project, please visit

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