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County seeks residents to serve on Public Health and Human Services Advisory Committee

St. Louis County is seeking volunteers to serve on its Public Health and Human Services (PHHS) Advisory Committee. The committee is responsible for making recommendations to both the County Board and the PHHS Department regarding public health and human service needs of St. Louis County communities and residents.

In the last year, committee members explored the challenges and opportunities around transportation needs in our county, reviewed the Community and Family Resource Network assessment, consulted on legislative priorities, reviewed Public Health work around the Cannabis moratorium and ordinance development, helped build the role of the county’s new Equity and Inclusion Specialist and shared workforce challenges and solutions.

The committee specifically strives to promote inclusive community engagement and collaboration; identify, understand and address community health, social, and safety issues while encompassing emotional, mental, physical, social and spiritual needs; influence policymakers for health, social services and well-being; and champion health equity.

Currently the Advisory Committee is seeking applicants representing all geographic areas of the county and all areas of lived and professional/volunteer experience. Committee members are appointed by the County Board for two-year terms. Anyone interested in serving is encouraged to apply, especially representatives from under-represented and under-served consumers and communities.

The Committee meets on a quarterly basis for two hours and is considering moving to bi-monthly meetings in 2025. Currently all meetings are virtual. Members receive a $50 per diem and mileage reimbursement for any meetings attended.

Anyone interested in serving can apply online at and click on the link for Application for Citizen Advisory Committee. Paper applications are available in the County Auditor’s Office in the Courthouse in Duluth, the Government Services Center in Virginia, and the Ely Government Services Building. People also may request an application be sent to them by emailing or calling 218-726-2385.

The deadline to apply is November 26, 2024.

