In a Facebook post today, former Duluth Mayor Don Ness publicly endorsed Mayor Emily Larson for re-election, sharing reasons why he and his wife Laura are committed to supporting Larson for her third term.

“I think Emily has been effective in the face of extraordinarily difficult circumstances. I’ve paid close attention to her remarkable administrative skill,” Ness said. “The most important job of a mayor is to lead a team, to communicate through differences, and to make tough, and often unpopular, decisions necessary to look out for the interests of the entire community – not just the powerful and well-connected. The most important work done by a mayor is behind the scenes, in relationship building and implementing solutions.”
Ness served eight years as mayor and is the immediate predecessor of Larson.
“We're supporting Emily because she is truly a remarkable person,” Ness wrote. “She is the sort of person that people look to in a time of crisis or trauma. She has an open and generous spirit. She builds deep and meaningful relationships.”
Larson said she is honored to receive the endorsement and looks forward to building on the work both she and Ness have done to move Duluth forward.
“My vision has never wavered nor has my commitment to make Duluth a healthy, sustainable and inclusive community for all neighbors, across all neighborhoods,” Larson said. “Don and I share a deep love for Duluth. We both understand what it takes to be successful in this work, what's on the line for our community's future and why this election truly matters. I value his belief and support to continue the progress we're making as a community on housing, economic revitalization, business development, climate and quality of life."
Voters will gain a better understanding of Ness’ endorsement and why he thinks she has the qualities to be an effective mayor this week as Larson’s campaign rolls out a series of videos featuring a one-on-one in-depth conversation between Ness and Larson. They'll be viewable starting Wednesday on Larson’s social media platforms.
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Meanwhile, Mayor Larson's Facebook post today: "Doorknock Download: 1,000 doors! Mayor Don Ness! Finance Deadline! It’s all here!This weekend our team of 35 volunteers and I knocked 1,000 doors. 1,000 doors! You deserve a candidate who puts you in the driver's seat of conversation. I’m proud that we started doorknocking in January and are still going strong. JOIN US! Thank you to Don Ness, former Mayor of Duluth, for your public support today. The work of Mayor builds on who serves before you and who works alongside you. It’s a job that is beautiful and humbling and hard before 7 a.m. every single day. It was fun to talk with Don and get that conversation recorded. Expect to see some videos of a conversation between me and Don to get released this week, wherein we talk about being Mayor. Don, Doug and I are deeply grateful for you and Laura, and we appreciate your full support. And finally! Should you feel so moved, we have a campaign finance deadline tonight at midnight! The report is due Friday but includes donations and expenditures thru today. Head to to learn more about the campaign, to request a lawnsign, to sign up to volunteer or to give financially."