Reinert guest reader at Wiggles for Littles Story and Playtime

"We are excited to welcome Mayor Reinert to the library and share one of our most beloved programs with him.” -- Bri Belanger

Reinert guest reader at Wiggles for Littles Story and Playtime
Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert. Howie /

By Elizabeth Spehar

Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert will be stepping in as special guest reader at the Duluth Public Library’s “Wiggles for Littles” story and play program on Saturday.

Storytime with Mayor Reinert begins at 10:15 a.m. in the Main Library’s Gold Room and will be followed by open playtime in the Green Room from 10:45 a.m. to noon. The program is geared to children ages birth to kindergarten and their caregivers.

The Wiggles for Littles program runs monthly from November to April. It was created to meet a need in the community for low and no-cost social, physical activities for young children during Duluth’s long winters. Movement and play are crucial building blocks for early childhood learning.

As Early Childhood Librarian Carmella Hatch explains, “The Wiggles program gives kids a space to engage with their caregivers and other children and to learn by moving, playing, and doing. Social, physical play is essential for kids to begin developing patience, attention span, focus, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills.”

The program also gives attendees a chance to connect, notes Youth Services supervisor Bri Belanger.

“Families have really embraced Wiggles for Littles and it’s beautiful to see kids and their caregivers connect through play and conversations," she said. "Over the months, we have seen a little community grow. We are excited to welcome Mayor Reinert to the library and share one of our most beloved programs with him.”

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