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Reprint It! Roger Reinert's Facebook and YouTube posts

"In a world pushing for aggressive politics, we choose positivity over negativity, and constructive criticism over personal attacks." -- Duluth mayoral candidate Roger Reinert

Roger Reinert.

A Facebook post by Duluth mayoral candidate Roger Reinert today: "It’s been exactly one week since our big Primary win! And, almost exactly seven months since we announced our campaign for Duluth Mayor. Since announcing my candidacy last January, I've emphasized our campaign's theme of Expect More - Do Better. Even in the way we campaign. In a world pushing for aggressive politics, we choose positivity over negativity, and constructive criticism over personal attacks. We choose to highlight the potential of our Duluth community, the value of constructive dialogue, and putting both the big issues and tangible action steps first. Our campaign's mantra, "Expect More - Do Better," is not just a catchy phrase. Duluth deserves actions, not just promises. We uphold this through engaging with the diverse voices from one end of our community to the other. That has reinforced my belief that Duluth’s greatest strength lies in our diversity and unity. And I will take these values straight from the campaign trail into City Hall as your next Mayor.Together, let's continue to aim high and push forward. Thank you for your continued support!"

Roger's video message on YouTube:
