Frosting on the Cake: Lake Super College’s Student Success Day
Lake Superior College students in all programs will experience a full day of extra-curricular learning Wednesday at the main campus. Regular classes give way to this conference-style event offering dozens of 50-minute academic and life skills sessions taught by Twin Ports experts in 10 subject clusters.
Community partners from Essentia Health, St. Scholastica, PAVSA, MNsure, Mentor North, Affinity Plus, Animal Allies, Eco3, and others join forces with college faculty and staff to present fun and useful topics geared to help students succeed in life.
Most sessions are in-person with some online offerings and recordings for students. Break-out session topic clusters include the arts, community engagement, financial, Health and Wellness, technology, travel, health and wellness, and transferring to a four-year institution. A Student Club Showcase will highlight many of the student clubs, athletics and honor societies available on campus to promote engagement, networking and community.
“This full day of learning is an enlightening way Lake Superior College promotes personal, career, financial, leadership and educational skill building,” said, Dr. Patricia Rogers, president of Lake Superior College. “The sessions aim to help students succeed in and out of the classroom.”
Students will enjoy food, a nature trail hike, a ping-pong tourney, a choir performance, a garden harvest, a clothing swap, free automobile checks, a fire-fighting demo, vendor/partner exhibits, open labs, tie-dying, and networking during this 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. full-day break from regular classes.
This college-wide tradition started in 2008 and is held in both the fall and spring semesters.
For detailed information, visit the Lake Superior College website.