A Roger Reinert for Mayor post on Facebook (Click here to watch Reinert's lasted video, on local taxes): "REMINDER! Your 2nd Half property taxes are due TODAY! It’s your last day to pay without a penalty – and also the perfect day to talk about another one of the five Big Issues: Affordable Property Taxes.
For the past few weeks we have been walking through the five Big Issues in this campaign: Housing across all income levels, commercial tax base development, and STREETS!!! One each week as we approach Election Day on November 7th.

Why it’s an issue, and the practical steps the next Mayor and Administration can take to make tangible progress.
Let’s discuss affordable property taxes. In 2016 the City of Duluth General Fund was $80M. In 2022, it was $106M. A 25% increase. In 2016 the City property tax levy was $24.2M. In 2022, it was $43.6M. And that was after a proposed 9% property tax levy increase last fall. That’s a 56% increase in the city property tax levy over the past eight years.
No Duluthian I know has seen a 56% increase in their wages over the same time period.2024? Another proposed increase despite record state aid, and $58M in federal recovery dollars. It’s reasonable for us to pay property taxes. Through them we buy things we could never purchase individually – a street system, a school system, fire and police services. But property taxes must be affordable, and they must be sustainable.

That is no longer the case for far too many Duluth homeowners – especially those on fixed incomes. Retired, elderly, disabled, veterans. And, if you’re a renter you may not be paying that 56% increase directly, but you’re seeing it in the sharp increase in your rents.
Duluth, it’s time for something different. We need to rebuild trust between residents and City Hall by excelling at those very things for which most of us are willing to pay – effective and efficient core city services. And it’s time for us to say YES! To your offers to partner with the City and contribute to our community.

The City cannot, nor should it, do everything. From the Duluth Heights Community Club building, to DAHA youth hockey and skating, to Lester golf, we have residents that are ready and willing to help. To contribute. Who expect more and want to do better and they are currently being told no. If you are interested in supporting our campaign, or learning more information, please visit our website: www.RogerForDuluth.com"

Good Read: BusinessNorth.com Duluth mayoral interviews
Quote Me, Howie: Seth Justice Loeffler-Kemp, Jessica Worden

Seth Justice Loeffler-Kemp, Emily Larson for Duluth Mayor campaign manager, on the 2023 campaign: "Our campaign is nearing 10,000 doors knocked and we’ve been having great conversations with voters. These direct one-to-one conversations set Mayor Larson apart in this race. And what we’re hearing confirms that people share our vision for Duluth and increasingly recognize there is a clear choice this election: continuing to move forward or risk going backwards.

Emily is a tested and compassionate leader with a record of accomplishment: from the largest growth in housing in decades, to creating a sustainable street repair program and going from 2 to 17 miles this year to 20 miles of streets scheduled to be repaired next year to record-breaking private investment and addressing our changing climate. These are issues people care about, and as someone born and raised in Duluth and who chose to move back, her focus on building Duluth’s future for the long-term is particularly important to me.
Elections are more than individual names on a ballot, they are choices on the values and future of our communities. My heart is full of gratitude for everyone who is stepping forward to ensure we continue moving our city forward."

Jessica Worden, Hermantown girls tennis coach, on the 2023 season: "It is hard to believe the Hermantown girls tennis season has already come to a close. This group of ladies was by far one of the most fabulous I have worked with. It will be sad to see our seniors transition on to the next phase, but we wish them all the best and welcome them back anytime. With over 30 girls on the team, it's been fabulous getting to know each one and assist them with their tennis game. Everyone is eager to learn, ask questions and has the fighting desire to compete! I cannot wait to return to the courts again next season."