Kitchi Gammi Park/Brighton Beach temporary closure

By Kelli Latuska

The City of Duluth will temporarily close Brighton Beach/Kitchi Gammi Park to the public from Friday until Sunday. The closure will include the portion of the Lakewalk that runs through the park.

The extensive rain has made the already delicate turf and landscaping that is establishing after recent park and shoreline improvements more vulnerable to damage, and a temporary closure is necessary to protect the park’s natural resources.

On Monday, June 24, contractors will begin construction of the road through Brighton Beach. While the park will reopen to pedestrian access along the Lakewalk, users should expect heavy equipment and operators throughout the park through this phase of the project. Construction is expected to last through September 2024. Park users are asked to stick to paved and natural surface paths once the park reopens on Monday, June 24 in order to limit damage to the park’s vulnerable turf and plantings.

The City of Duluth’s Parks and Recreation division thanks the public for their cooperation during the temporary closure and final phase of construction.

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