Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert, in a published post today at https://www.facebook.com/MayorRogerDLH:

"Duluth, we made it!! Thanks for so many supportive comments about our plow drivers - they are now on their 4th back-to-back 16hr day in a row. This was a two-day event that became a four-day event, and a 12” snowfall that in some parts of Duluth topped 21”. We received more snow in the past four days than the entire winter combined previously. From the all hands meeting last Friday, to the snowplow ride-along, to the hotwash after action session tomorrow - I’m making notes. I’m proud of our team, but there is also room for improvement. A few thoughts:
. Snow emergencies!!! With help from our expert staff, I will be asking the City Council to join me in rewriting the existing snow emergency ordinance. The way it is currently written it’s actually more of a headache to our plow drivers than helpful. And the whole point is for us as residents to be their partners by moving our cars out of the way.
. Communication! For this storm we emphasized communication to residents through both this page and the City of Duluth Pages. This is something we will continue to do and look for even better ways to let our residents know what’s what (like text updates!).
. Ticketing! I saw firsthand how difficult, and many times impossible, it was to plow a street with cars on both sides. This needs to change and will change in future storms. The best plan only works when we all abide by the rules.Duluth I am proud of us as a community, and am eager to work with staff, the Council, and all our residents to do even better next winter. Now go rest up from all that shoveling!"