My close, personal friend Fred Friedman on the 2024 presidential election – "I cannot decide whether Trump won on the economy or whether that is a disingenuous answer given by voters who do not care to admit that they are not going to vote for a woman in a national election (Women's won-loss record in national elections is 1-4: Ferraro, Rodham-Clinton, Palin, Harris, Harris). The stock market is up, unemployment is way down, and anyone who wants to work can easily find work. On the other hand, prices remain stubbornly high and the cost of college and the interest rates on school loans are a disgrace compared to the rest of the world. Economists say presidents cannot control the economy. How can we possibly reduce prices while responding to a 100 billion dollar repair cost of the latest storm of the century and while deporting the workers who have the construction jobs and skills and pick our crops and staff our nursing homes while applying tariffs to foreign-made goods? Trump's team identified winning issues in high prices, immigration, and transexual athletes in women's sports that involves so few but angers so many. I know this election was not won or lost on character or facts. It is not my vision of America, but it clearly is the vision of enough voters to return Trump to power."