4 min read

Howie Hanson: Stella Maris Academy, Gary Doty, Scott Hanna, Duke Skorich in the news

If the activity that SMA students are interested in has sufficient numbers of students and a MSHSL certificated coach, they will have the opportunity to participate in junior high, junior varsity, and even varsity (in some activities) during the 2023/24 school year.

Chris Lemke, Stella Maris Academy Principal and Activities Director, on the Sentinels being accepted into the Minnesota State High School League: "As of Tuesday, June 6, SMA will be allowed to offer high school MSHSL activities to our student body. We have been preparing for this moment all year long. Besides offering many new activities each season, examples of this preparation include requiring physicals, signing contracts designed by the MSHSL, and instituting eligibility rules.

So, what does this mean to SMA students going into next year? If the activity that you are interested in has sufficient numbers of students and a MSHSL certificated coach, you will have the opportunity to participate in junior high, junior varsity, and even varsity (in some activities) during the 2023/24 school year. These Sentinel teams will compete with other schools in the area and have the opportunity to move onto sectional and state competitions.

We have accomplished a lot in a year and with the continued support and trust of our SMA families. Next year will mark even more opportunities for our Sentinel students to grow body, mind, and spirit in their favorite activities - with our banner waving high! Lead! Love! Serve! Go Sentinels!"

Former Bulldogs football greats Gary Doty and Scott Hanna on their late head coach Jim Malosky: Said Doty: "If you were to talk to anyone that survived four years at UMD under Coach Jim Malosky, they would say it was an experience like no other. As players we would compare our practices with those of other teams in the MIAC, or any other colleges for that matter, and we would describe ours as brutal. Not in a mean way, but very difficult, which is one of the reasons that Jim Malosky had winning teams.

Gary Doty

He made us tough and prepared us for anything that was thrown at us. While he wasn’t our favorite person on the field, off the field he was, and we had great respect for him. He was really a very kind man that cared for each of us individually, and his goal beyond football was to prepare us for the life ahead.

Jim Malosky

He taught us to work hard and never quit, which we’ve all carried over into whatever endeavors we pursued in our lives. Any success I personally have had in life is partially due to having a great coach like Jim Malosky. I have great respect for 'Mo' and will be forever grateful to him."

Scott Hanna

Said Hanna: "I really miss Mo. Everything I have accomplished wouldn’t of happened if it wasn’t for his guidance. He came across as this tough old-school coach but in reality was great guy who really cared for his players."

Duke Skorich

Northland County Club golf legend Duke Skorich on the condition of the award-winning private course located in East Duluth: "Despite the prolonged winter and extended snowfall that saw many courses experience severe snow mold, our professional maintenance and grounds crew have given us playing conditions that rival any of the best early seasons I've seen in my 25 years at Northland. While we got off to a somewhat later opening than we might have hoped for, we started playing summer rules in the fairways weeks ago and our approaches and greens are absolutely spectacular. Of course, we all look forward to the day the northeast winds off the lake stop blowing so we can play in shorts and short-sleeve shirts."

Jordan Urshan

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