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Reprint It! Reinert's Facebook post

It's a reminder: as a community, our commitment to ensuring high-quality childcare—accessible, affordable, and available—must never waver.

Roger Reinert's Facebook page
Roger Reinert

A Facebook post today by Duluth mayoral candidate Roger Reinert: "Today, I got to visit one of our early childhood development centers here in Duluth. Shout out to council candidate Tim Meyer for the suggestion and invitation to join him. It was heartwarming to see firsthand the dedication and love poured into caring for our littlest Duluthians. But as we’ve discussed before, there are significant challenges around early learning and childcare: concerns around staff compensation, availability, county and state regulations, and ensuring affordability. Spend just a few hours with our providers and instructors and you will quickly understand the complexities they face like age restrictions, rigorous inspections, and specific space requirements. It's evident how commendable our daycare providers truly are. It's a reminder: as a community, our commitment to ensuring high-quality childcare—accessible, affordable, and available—must never waver. If you are interested in supporting our campaign, or learning more information, please visit our website:"

