"Happy rainy Saturday! Great to see many out this morning at the 16th annual Clean Yer Creek event! This year we worked on Lester, Merritt, Keene, Chester and Miller. This is one of my favorite spring events and despite it nearly always being rainy, it is a perfect way to explore parts of our community and clean up the local watersheds. It all eventually ends up in Lake Superior. I spent time out at Merritt and found a LOT of trash including part of a car hood! Clean Yer Creek isn’t the only way you can make an impact for our environment. You can also help out by signing up to Adopt a Storm Drain through the city, or even just bringing with you a bag of trash on your neighborhood walk. Everything makes an impact, and Duluth, we are a community that cares. Tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous, so get out there and make a difference!"
Republish It! Mayor Reinert's Facebook post on Clean Yer Creek