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Results of Piedmont Ave and 24th Ave West intersection study to be announced

24th Avenue West and Piedmont Avenue intersection on Monday morning. Howie /

St. Louis County Public Works will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, June 26, at 6 p.m., at Denfeld High School in the West Commons area to announce final recommendations for the intersection of Piedmont Avenue and 24th Avenue West in Duluth. 

The intersection of Piedmont Avenue and 24th Avenue West currently has a temporary stop light installed to help with the increased traffic flow during the Twin Ports Interchange Project. Before this, a stop sign was used for vehicles traveling on 24th Avenue West. St. Louis County engineers and staff have been meeting with residents and other interested stakeholders since last September to determine what traffic controls would best serve the public long-term once the Interchange project is complete.

Anyone who lives in or travels through this area is encouraged to attend the meeting. For those unable to attend in person, a virtual meeting link option is available at the project website. More information about this project and others being completed by St. Louis County Public Works can be found online at

Howie /

