Stella Maris Academy, a private Catholic school serving early childhood through high school, now boasts the area's only 5k continuous loop trail at its beautiful high school and junior high campus in the Woodland neighborhood.
Previously, when Woodland Hills owned the grounds, children were grouped to maintain different sections of the trail, which served as an excellent exercise option and provided convenient access to various parts of the property.
The 138 acres of land, including the current school and gymnasiums, are one of SMA's most valuable assets. The aim is for the SMA community to use the land fully.

For educational purposes, the acreage serves as an outdoor classroom for students, enriched by ponds and a trout stream.
The property offers diverse areas for exploring and enjoying nature, ranging from majestic red pines to splendid groves of maple, birch, and oak. Amity Creek's picturesque trout stream, which meanders through the land, is a highlight.
The 5K course, a unique continuous loop through wooded terrain, is a notable feature in Duluth. It provides an ideal setting for cross-country team practices and competitions. The intention is also to leverage this course for community events and fundraisers, showcasing the land's natural beauty.

Like running, a continuous loop 5k course that returns to the starting point is a coveted rarity in Nordic skiing. SMA makes this course available to its teams, the broader SMA community, and skiing events.
Although a trail was present on the property, likely dating back to the St. James Catholic Orphanage era, it had deteriorated and needed substantial restoration.
Andrew Hilliker, SMA's president, took a hands-on approach to the trail's revival, examining various restoration techniques with Senior and Junior High Principal and Activities Director Chris Lemke. Due to donor generosity, Hull Logging was chosen for the restoration, and experts in cross-country running and skiing were consulted to tailor the trail to their precise requirements.

Stella Maris Academy enrollment has been growing and the activities with it.
"We will have about 170 students at our high school (current grades 7-11) and close to 700 students academy-wide," said Lemke. "We have very good numbers in boys and girls tennis, boys and girls cross country running and girls swimming. We had our first student go to state last year in swimming, an 8th grader, in two events."
SMA offers the following activities in 2024-25:
Girls Varsity Tennis (Co-op with Proctor, SMA is the host)
Boys Varsity Cross Country Running
Girls Varsity Cross Country Running
Girls Varsity Swimming
Varsity Clay Target
Girls Varsity Volleyball (Co-op with LCA as host)
Boys Varsity Soccer (Co-op with Proctor as host)
Girls Varsity Soccer (Co-op with Proctor as host)
Varsity Football (Co-op with Proctor as host)

One Act Play (2nd year MSHSL activity)
Varsity Girls and Boys Alpine Ski Racing
Boys and Girls Basketball (Junior High level)
Boys and Girls Cross Country Skiing (Hope to offer MSHSL team this year)
Hope to offer MSHSL Hockey through Co-op

JV Softball
Boys Varsity Tennis (Co-op with Proctor; SMA is the host
Boys and Girls Varsity Track and Field
Boys and Girls Varsity Clay Target
Boys and Girls Varsity Golf
Baseball (Up to junior high level)