City of Duluth Temporary closure of Harbor Drive along the DECC waterfront begins Monday , and Howie October 20, 2023
Duluth Elections Good Read and Video: Roger Reinert on Duluth's spiking property taxes , and Howie October 16, 2023
City of Duluth City of Duluth provides update on its response to rain event , and Howie September 25, 2023
City of Duluth City of Duluth responding to multiple reports of flooding due to heavy rains , and Howie September 24, 2023
City of Duluth Larson, Titanium Partners announce adaptive reuse housing development , and Howie September 21, 2023
Publish It! Publish It! Don Ness on Duluth's previously unfunded retiree health care liability , and Howie August 26, 2023
City of Duluth Body-worn camera footage released from the officer-involved shooting , and Howie August 23, 2023
Duluth Elections Larson presents 2024 city budget; candidate Reinert's response , and Howie August 22, 2023
City of Duluth City of Duluth announces RFP for development of portion of Lester Golf Course , and Howie August 10, 2023
City of Duluth Breaking News: Duluth Police Department responding to shooting incident , and Howie August 2, 2023
City of Duluth Kitchi Gammi Park (Brighton Beach) construction is underway , and Howie August 2, 2023