Duluth Elections Quote Me, Howie: Emily Larson and Roger Reinert on tourism marketing , and Howie October 29, 2023
Duluth Elections Quote Me, Howie: Emily Larson on the DNT's endorsement of Roger Reinert , and Howie October 24, 2023
Duluth Elections Good Read and Video: Roger Reinert on Duluth's spiking property taxes , and Howie October 16, 2023
Duluth Elections Good Read: BusinessNorth.com's Duluth mayoral interviews , and Howie October 16, 2023
Duluth Elections Roger Reinert: Let's improve our failing streets, once and for all , and Howie October 14, 2023
Duluth Elections Incumbent's View: Re-elect tenacious bulldog for fiscal responsibility , and Howie October 10, 2023