By Kelli Latuska

Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert announced today the formation of a new Lester Park Recreation working group. This will be a group of community members charged with the evaluation of year-round recreation opportunities in Lester Park including, but not exclusive to, public golf.
Convened by Tim Meyer and Dennis Isernhagen, the group’s charge is threefold:
. To discuss and evaluate opportunities for recreation of all kinds for all seasons
. To evaluate nonprofit and alternative management models, similar to those used at Chester Bowl, Hartley Nature Center, and Lake Superior Zoo
. To find a path to some operational golf at Lester Park for this summer
“I’m grateful to Tim and Dennis for volunteering to lead a new community conversation and find a workable solution for some golf at Lester this summer, along with other all-season recreational opportunities," said Reinert. "This is the work that community members have been telling us they want to have a say in, and these two residents are putting themselves out there to build a coalition of voices and will do that work.”
Residents can self-nominate to participate in the working group by filling out the self-nomination form here.
Enger Park Golf Course is anticipated to open to the public sometime in mid to late March, contingent upon temperatures and weather conditions consistent with operational grounds and golf facilities. A separate announcement with details will be published in advance of the opening of Enger Park Golf.