West Skyline Parkway bridge to close for replacement beginning Monday

West Skyline Parkway bridge to close for replacement beginning Monday
City of Duluth

The West Skyline Parkway bridge that serves as a route into Spirit Mountain recreation area will close beginning Monday, April 22. St. Louis County Public Works is replacing the bridge this summer. The project, and resulting closure, is expected to be completed in mid-November.

The bridge spans Knowlton Creek and the CN Railway. As part of the project, St. Louis County will construct a new bridge, as well as do stream restoration work on Knowlton Creek so it again flows as an open natural channel.

Signs will be posted detouring traffic to use Westgate Boulevard, Ugstad Road, and Mountain Drive.

The $3.2 million project is the final bridge to be replaced as part of a massive Federal Bridge Bundle Project that the county began in 2022 in partnership with MnDOT. Including this final project, St. Louis County Public Works will have replaced 21 bridges and box culverts over three construction seasons. Totaling $23.9 million, it is the largest road and bridge contract the County has ever put out for bid. Redstone Construction, LLC is the contractor.

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