City of Duluth announces next phase of Athletics Venues Initiative
Resolution 24-0452R is on tonight's City Council meeting agenda. If approved, it will allow the City of Duluth to enter into a contract with RDG Planning and Design, Inc (RDG).
The contract with RDG will provide comprehensive planning and design services for the next phase of the Athletics Venues Initiative. The proposed contract with RDG is the result of the work of the Indoor Athletics Venues Task Force, which began working on the initiative in 2023 under the leadership of Chair Todd Fedora. This work is funded by tourism tax dollars designated solely for use in sports destination tourism.
“Our deepest gratitude goes to the task force and to Todd Fedora for their continued guidance on this initiative,” said Jim Filby Williams, Director of Property, Parks, and Libraries. “We anticipate that RDG will begin their work on this next phase in early July and will connect with task force members, as well as others active in various local sports communities, so they can tap into local knowledge and receive feedback on draft plans and recommendations.”
The contract with RDG will provide the necessary detail and structure for a major investment in Duluth’s community to include indoor soccer, lacrosse, baseball, and softball and to include public-private and intergovernmental partnerships.
The final product of RDG’s work will be to launch a Request for Proposal (RFP) to identify private partners willing to bring experience and capital to the table for this major community investment.
“I’m excited for our community,” said Mayor Roger Reinert. “We've already had several potential partners – local and national – express interest. An indoor complex including ice and turf puts the city on par with our regional center peers, and is also what our community both wants and needs.”