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The parking lot and classrooms at Lake Superior College will be bustling with hundreds of students today on the first day of the fall semester's classes.

The community and technical college offers more than 90 programs across its three Duluth locations: the main campus on Trinity Road, the Center for Advanced Aviation at Duluth International Airport, and the Emergency Response Training Center located on Highway 23 in Gary/New Duluth.

Enrollment figures fluctuate daily at this early stage of the year, yet they seem to have increased by nearly 3% compared to last year, amounting to over 2,800 students for the upcoming fall semester. Programs like Firefighting, Carpentry, Automotive, Dental Hygiene, Aviation Mechanics, and Commercial & Residential Wiring have reached full capacity for weeks, if not months. Numerous other programs are nearing full enrollment.

“We’re thrilled to welcome back returning students and new students for the beginning of their higher education journey,” said Dr. Linda Kingston, vice president of academic and student affairs. “Our faculty and staff are dedicated to helping students succeed in the classroom and life.”

Students hail from not only the Twin Ports region and across the upper Midwest but also from several countries as international students. Post Secondary Education Option (PSEO) students are also among this fall’s ranks. The Lake Superior College Foundation awarded over $375,000 in scholarships across dozens of programs. Approximately 88% of the students who applied earned a scholarship.

Last spring, the main campus opened a modern new library with 12 group study rooms and other critical resources such as an IT help desk and the tutoring center. A new addition to the T-building will open in the spring with new workshops for manufacturing students.

About Lake Superior College

Lake Superior College, located in Duluth, is a diverse two-year community and technical college that offers over 90 programs. These include liberal arts and science courses for transfer, technical and trade programs, allied healthcare and nursing programs, and continuing education with customized training for businesses and industries. As part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, LSC stands out for its online course offerings in Minnesota and boasts competitive Division II athletics and intramural activities. For additional details, please visit their website at

