With Veterans Day coming up, the St. Louis County Board and Veterans Service Office are encouraging residents and businesses to shine a green light as a show of support for people who serve or have served in our nation's military.
Whether a single green light bulb or a string of green lights, people are asked to display them November 4-11, the week leading up to Veterans Day.
St. Louis County has passed a proclamation, joining the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers (NACVSO) in Operation Green Light. The City of Duluth will be lighting the Aerial Lift Bridge and Enger Tower green on Veterans Day in recognition of veterans. Other communities are encouraged to do the same with any local landmarks within their jurisdiction, whether for a day or a week.
Green is considered a color of hope, renewal and well-being. Changing one light to green is intended to spark a national conversation regarding the recognition of veterans, and "greenlight" them forward as valued members of our communities. By displaying a green light for veterans, people not only bring attention to veterans and their need, but also reminds everyone to reflect on how our communities can assist military service personal as they transition back into civilian life upon completion of their service.
St. Louis County is home to more than 13,000 veterans. The St. Louis County Veterans Service Office works to connect veterans with the federal, state and other benefits they've earned through their military service. To learn more, visit stlouscountymn.gov/veteran.