City of Duluth to host West Superior Street reconstruction project public meeting

City of Duluth to host West Superior Street reconstruction project public meeting

Note: The Howie Blog is powered by Perrault Construction, the trusted roofing, siding and window company in Duluth.

By Kelli Latuska

The City of Duluth invites community members, business owners, and stakeholders to attend the fifth public meeting regarding the reconstruction of West Superior Street between Carlton and West Michigan Streets.

The Friendly West End. Howie / The Howie Blog

The project team will present updates on the design, construction phases, timelines, and anticipated impacts on traffic flow and local businesses. This meeting allows the community to view the final layout, ask questions, and share feedback on the streetscape elements as plans are finalized.

The fifth public open house will occur on Wednesday, November 13 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Clyde Iron Works Malting Building, located at 2907 Helm Street in Clyde Park.

Project design is nearly complete, with construction scheduled from 2025 to 2028. Funding for the project will come from a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) federal grant, MnDOT IIJA Matching Grant, Municipal State Aid for Streets, and utility funds.

The scope of work for the project includes:

. Full reconstruction of the roadway and utilities.

. Traffic signal replacement.

. Stormwater drainage and infrastructure improvements.

. Street lighting replacement and improvement.

. Pedestrian improvements.

. Multimodal improvements for cyclists and other lightweight human- and electric-powered devices.

The design team will provide a brief presentation at 5 p.m. to discuss the project and the design. Community members are invited to attend the open house at any time convenient for them. City staff and the design team will be available to discuss the project and gather feedback throughout the open house.

For further details, please visit the project’s website at

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