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Reminder: Early voting, primary election, and precincts 34 and 35 boundaries

The 2023 City of Duluth municipal primary election is Tuesday, August 8.

Early voting for the primary election is currently underway at City Hall and will be available as an option to voters through Monday, August 7. Early voting hours in the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall are as follows:

Friday, August 4 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Saturday, August 5 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Monday, August 7 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

On Tuesday, August 8, all voting will take place on location at polling sites. To find out your precinct number, polling place, and sample ballot info, please visit Please note that voters in the westernmost neighborhoods in the city (precincts 34 and 35) should have received a postcard from St. Louis County outlining changes to their precinct and polling place since the region was redistricted.

Voters are encouraged to visit to make sure they know where to vote.

For more information, voters may call the City Clerk’s Office at (218)730-5500

