WLSSD announces public meeting on proposed 2024 capital budget projects
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District (“WLSSD”), will meet on Monday, September 11, 2023, at 4:00 p.m., in the WLSSD Board Room, located in the WLSSD offices at 2626 Courtland Street, Duluth, Minnesota, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on those projects involving improvements and betterments to the interceptor system and treatment works operated by WLSSD which are intended to be Capital Budget Projects during 2024. A list of the Capital Budget Projects may be obtained by contacting Brandon Kohlts, Manager of Planning and Technical Services at the WLSSD offices or by telephone at 218-740-4798. The estimated cost of the Capital Budget Projects for 2024 is not to exceed $42,500,000. This amounts includes $17,500,000 to be paid out of state grant funds awarded to design, construct, and rehabilitate four secondary clarifiers in the District’s wastewater treatment system. The remaining cost of the Capital Budget Projects (not to exceed $25,000,000) will be allocated among local government units and industry based on usage of the WLSSD wastewater system. Circumstances may develop during the year which requires WLSSD to add or delete projects involving improvements and betterments to the interceptor system and treatment works operated by WLSSD. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above.